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Η Άγαρ Πριν και Μετά τον πόλεµο (هاجر قبل الإحتلال، هاجر بعد الإحتلال)


Author: Amal al-Jubouri آمل الجبوري

Nationality: Iraq

Original title: هاجر قبل الإحتلال، هاجر بعد الإحتلال

Genre: Poetry

Year original first published: 2008

Translation language: Greek

Translation title: Η Άγαρ Πριν και Μετά τον πόλεµο

Translator(s): Persa Koumoutsi

Nationality: Greece

Publisher: Nikas Books

Publication place: Athens

Publication year: 2023

Year translation first published: 2023

Is this a re-translation: No

Physical description: Poetry Collection

ISBN: 9789602964781

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